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Outdoor Winter Activities for Kids
Enjoying the snow here in Canada? We haven’t been receiving the winter weather we’d usually expect this time of year. But it never hurts to be prepared for snow and chilly temperatures, so we thought we’d share some of our favourite outdoor winter activities for kids. After all, just because your lawn isn’t lush and green, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors; but we do recommend playing out back or at your local park, where stomping on the lawn won’t be so noticeable come the spring! Go sledding. If there’s enough snow on the ground, head over to the nearest hill and go for a zip. Tobogganing can serve as hours of outdoor fun and will wear the kids out just enough that they’ll be fine with a holiday movie and hot chocolate when they get home! Go to the playground. Jungle gyms aren’t just for warm weather. Why not get some use out of your local playground? They think they went down the tobogganing hill quickly – wait until they try the slide! Don’t forget to wear snow pants and a jacket for some extra padding in case of minor slips and falls. Have a snowball fight. Everyone enjoys a good snowball fight, no matter your age! Split yourself up into teams and head out to the backyard. Make sure the younger children are paired up with parents or older kids, so they aren’t too overwhelmed by all of the flying snow. Go skating. If your area isn’t experiencing much snow, but the temperatures are still below zero, hunt down your local skating rink and go for a spin – or play some ice hockey! Build a snow castle. Dig out those sand castle molds you used at the beach a few months ago and get your kids to make some snow castles! This fun winter activity will keep them busy. Don’t forget to snap a picture when they’re done. This could be a great opportunity for some fun holiday photos! Paint some snow. This idea is a little different, but would be great for children of all ages. Fill some spray bottles up with water mixed with food colouring and let your kids go on a snow-painting spree! Practice your aim. If Mom and Dad want to get in on the fun, this one is a great idea! Make a target out of a cardboard box, pin it on a tree and try your best to hit the target with some snowballs. Make it interesting and keep score. Go skiing or snowboarding. If you don’t have snow where you live, this could be a great way to enjoy the winter season. Head out to the nearest ski hill and teach your young ones to ski or snowboard. Warm up with a hot apple cider once you’re done.